Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Individual Marketing Mentoring

Marketing Mentoring Services from Ed Groody & Associates, Inc.

Not attracting all the business and clients you want and need?

You can be a better marketer of your services, and it can be easier than you think.

There are five main challenges in marketing a business:
1. Getting attention of prospective clients.
2. Giving them enough information to interest them in exploring working with you.
3. Turning that interest into a commitment to work with you.
4. Negotiating the terms of doing business so that you make a decent profit.
5. Serving clients so that they both return and send you referrals.

If you can do all those things you don't need marketing mentoring.

However, if you could do better, perhaps you need a little help.
Many professionals and other service businesses struggle with marketing. They are not sure how it works, where to start or what to do.

Perhaps you've tried a number of marketing activities with mixed results.
Or maybe your "word-of-mouth pipeline" has dried up and you don't know where to find your next clients. Or it could be that you know what to do and you just don't get around to it. You need some direction and some support. If any of the above are true, you've come to the right place.

We work with self-employed professionals and other professional service businesses who serious about taking their business to the next level.
They realize that the only way they are going to survive and thrive is by developing, implementing, and practicing better marketing.

What you Need to be Successful at Growing Your Business

We believe that you need only three things to be successful at marketing.

  1. The first thing you need is commitment. You must really want to take your business to new heights. Ideally your business should be more that a living, but a calling, something that you feel really makes a difference. Marketing is one of the key vehicles that helps take you business where you want it to go.
  2. The second is "marketing know-how." That comes from good information and practice. The trouble is that there is so much marketing information out there that it can be overwhelming. What really works to attract clients? What can you do that won't cost a fortune? Are there marketing strategies that are both effective and don't take a huge amount of time?
  3. The third thing you need is some kind of support. When you are trying to master something that is both new and complex, you don't do it on your own. If you do, it will take you longer, cost you more and result in more failures. By working with a mentor you can speed up your know-how by five, ten, even twenty times. If you work with someone who has been there before to guide you on the path you will have a lot less trial and error.
Mentoring is not for people who need a few marketing ideas or a little coaching. You already know more that you can implement. The thing is, you get stuck and your great plans don't amount to much. You have big ideas but you keep getting distracted by the details. Your know-how hasn't caught up with your aspirations. And the trial and error is wearing on you.

On the other hand, you may be very successful in your business but have reached a plateau and want to take your business to the next level.
You want to learn how you can market more effectively to grow faster. You don't have anyone you can talk to about marketing and you need both a partner in strategy and someone to hold you feet to the fire. This is exactly what we do.

You are a good candidate for marketing mentoring if:
  1. You are a self-employed professional, partner in a professional firm, or owner of a business who offers a professional service.
  2. You are committed to being a better marketer and growing your business.
  3. You are willing to invest a certain amount of time, energy, and money to marketing.
  4. Your are open to trying things outside your current comfort zone.
  5. You are patient and understand that results can take some time.
  6. You can take both direction and decisive action.
If this fits you, we can work together successfully.

With Marketing Mentoring we use the "7-Step Fast Track Model"

This proven methodology was developed by Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing
and has been used successfully with thousands of self-employed professionals and professional service businesses. At Ed Groody and Associates, we have been trained and certified in this methodology. Plus we also bring our many years as business consultants, coaches, and trainers.

1. Marketing Ball -
The Game of Marketing

The first thing you need to understand is how the game of marketing is played - and won.
Successful marketing is not random set of activities; it has an underlying structure and set of rules you must follow to be successful. When you understand the game you can finally start to play it with some confidence.

2. Marketing Mindset - The Inner Game of Marketing

How you think about marketing your business is a big key to success. If you are avoiding marketing, afraid to implement marketing plans or just plain confused about what to do next, you need to change your current marketing mindset to be successful. the good news is that it is easier than you think.

3. Marketing Language - The Message of Marketing

Most people don't realize that marketing has a language.
If you use the right language, you generate attention and interest. If you use the wrong language, your prospects won't pay attention to you. It's absolutely necessary that all your marketing messages and communications adhere to the language of marketing.

4. Core Marketing Message -
The Value of Marketing

Your first important step in marketing is to create a marketing message that speaks to the needs and desires of your clients.
When you have such a message, you have created a foundation that will be utilized in all your marketing. A great marketing message tells the prospect what's in it for them to do business with you.

5. Marketing Information - The Currency of Marketing

Once you have the attention and interest of a prospect, the next thing they want is more information .
We call marketing information "currency," because it actually buys you attention, time, credibility, and trust. Marketing information includes everything from your business card to your web site.

6. Marketing Strategies - The How-To of Marketing

Once you have the foundation of your marketing message and information, it's time to implement some marketing strategies.
Strategies include everything from networking to speaking to mailings to publishing. You need to develop and implement the most appropriate and effective marketing strategies for your business.

7. Marketing Action Plans - The Structure of Marketing

Your final marketing step is developing a very detailed marketing action plan or plans.
It's not enough to know the strategies you are going to use, you need to map them out like a blueprint with very specific objectives and action steps. Once you have a solid plan, you are well on your way to attracting all the business you need.

Marketing Mentoring Format and Results

Mentoring sessions are done by phone or in person
and are typically 60 to 90 minutes in length. All sessions are taped for your use. (if they are!) In between sessions you will work on assignments to increase your marketing skills in each of the Seven Fast Track Steps.

Depending on your current situation, we will take about twelve sessions in guiding you through the initial development of your marketing action plan. Then we will work with you additionally, as needed, to develop marketing materials and implement your marketing action plan until you are seeing results.

You will start seeing results well before we have completed our work with you. As your understanding of marketing increases, you will begin to communicate more effectively about your business and start generating more attention and interest. You'll start the process of "playing the game of marketing" and have some wins in the process.

After working through all Seven Fast Steps, you'll have a true grasp of how marketing works and will be prepared to grow your business in ways you never before thought possible.

Getting over marketing obstacles

The biggest marketing obstacle to successful marketing isn't external. It's internal.
We all have various beliefs and thoughts that tend to sabotage our marketing efforts. If you think..."I'm not a good marketer, I can't write, I don't like networking, and web sites don't work," then what you say will become a self'-fulling prophecy. When we work on Step #2 - Marketing Mindset, you'll be introduced to some very powerful tools that will help you dramatically shift your marketing perspective.

About Your Marketing Mentor
Marcia Walker works with independent professionals and leaders who really want to make a difference, but aren't sure how to maximize their impact and their income. She is a Senior Coach with Ed Groody & Associates, Inc. and a certified Action Plan Marketing Coach. Marcia understands the challenges that independent professionals face from her five years in her own coaching practice. In business for herself for the first itme, she learned quickly that effective marketing is just as important as professional skills and expertise. Using the Action Plan Marketing system, she doubled her income last year, and want to help you do that in 2009.

Let me know if you are interested

If you would like to explore working with us as your marketing mentor, we would be happy to speak with you
on the phone to discuss your current situation and goals and see if there is a fit. The best way to set up an appointment is to email Marcia at marcia@edgroody.com. Be sure to include your phone number and a brief description of your business (what you do, how long you've been in business, who you serve). She will get back to you set a time for the meeting.

We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you.